How to Sell AI Art Legally and Make Money Online

AI art is a new and exciting form of digital art that uses artificial intelligence to generate images, sounds, or texts. AI art can be created by using online tools, such as Artbreeder, Deep Dream Generator, or RunwayML, or by using your code and models, such as StyleGAN, CLIP, or GPT-3.

AI art is not only fun and creative, but also potentially lucrative. Many AI artists have sold their works for thousands or even millions of dollars, such as Mike Winkelmann, Sofia Crespo, or Mario Klingemann. However, selling AI art also comes with some legal and ethical challenges. In this blog post, I will share with you some tips and best practices on how to sell AI art legally and make money online.

What are the legal issues of selling AI art?

One of the main legal issues of selling AI art is the question of authorship and ownership. Who owns the rights to the AI art? Is it the human artist, the AI tool, the code, the model, or the data? The answer is not clear, as different countries have different laws and regulations regarding intellectual property and AI. For example, in the US, the Copyright Office has stated that:

The Office will not register works produced by a machine or mere mechanical process that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or intervention from a human author.

This means that AI art that is generated without any human involvement or modification may not be eligible for copyright protection. However, if the human artist has made some creative choices or edits to the AI art; such as selecting the parameters, inputs, or outputs, or applying filters, effects, or transformations, then they may claim some degree of authorship and ownership over the AI art.

Another legal issue of selling AI art is the question of infringement and liability. How can you ensure that the AI art does not infringe on the rights of others; such as the original creators of the code, model, or data, or the subjects or owners of the images, sounds, or texts that the AI art is based on or derived from? How can you avoid being sued or fined for using or selling AI art that violates the law or the terms of service of the AI tools or platforms? The answer is not simple, as different sources and types of AI art may have different licenses, permissions, or restrictions. For example, some AI tools or platforms may allow you to use their services for personal or non-commercial purposes only, or require you to give credit or attribution to them or their contributors. Some code, model, or data may be open-source or public domain, or have specific licenses, such as Creative Commons, that grant you certain rights and obligations. Some images, sounds, or texts may be protected by privacy, publicity, or trademark rights, or have moral or cultural implications, that limit how you can use or modify them.

Therefore, before you use or sell AI art, you should always do your research and due diligence, and consult a lawyer if necessary, to make sure that you are complying with the law and respecting the rights of others.

What are the pros and cons of selling AI art?

Selling AI art can have many benefits, such as,

  • It can be a source of income and recognition for you as an artist or a creator.
  • It can be a way of expressing your creativity and vision, and exploring new possibilities and styles of art.
  • It can be a way of contributing to the advancement and innovation of AI and art, and engaging with the AI and art communities and audiences.

However, selling AI art can also have some drawbacks, such as,

  • It can be challenging and time-consuming to create, market, and sell AI art, especially if you are new to the field or the market.
  • It can be risky and costly to deal with the legal and ethical issues of selling AI art, especially if you are not familiar with the law or the best practices.
  • It can be controversial and divisive to sell AI art, especially if you are not transparent or respectful about your sources, methods, or intentions, or if you are accused of plagiarism, fraud, or exploitation.

Therefore, before you sell AI art, you should always weigh the pros and cons, and decide if it is worth it for you and your goals.

How to monetize your AI art?

If you have decided to sell AI art, you may wonder how to monetize your AI art. There are many ways to do so, such as,

  • Selling your AI art as digital or physical products, such as prints, posters, stickers, shirts, mugs, etc. You can use online platforms, such as Etsy, Redbubble, or Society6, to create and sell your products, or you can create your own website or store to sell your products directly to your customers.
  • Selling your AI art as digital or physical artworks, such as paintings, sculptures, installations, etc. You can use online platforms, such as SuperRare, Foundation, or OpenSea, to create and sell your artworks as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are unique and verifiable digital tokens that represent ownership and provenance of your artworks on the blockchain. Or you can use traditional platforms, such as galleries, auctions, or fairs, to sell your artworks as physical objects.
  • Selling your AI art as services or experiences, such as commissions, workshops, courses, exhibitions, performances, etc. You can use online platforms, such as Fiverr, Udemy, or Patreon, to offer and sell your services or experiences to your clients or fans. Or you can use offline platforms, such as studios, schools, or venues, to offer and sell your services or experiences to your customers or audiences.

Of course, you can also combine different ways of monetizing your AI art, or create your own way of monetizing your AI art, depending on your preferences, skills, and resources.

My personal experience of selling AI art

I have been creating and selling AI art for about a year now, and I have learned a lot from my experience. I started by using online tools, such as Artbreeder and Deep Dream Generator, to generate images that I liked, and then I edited them using Photoshop and other software to make them more unique and appealing. Furthermore, I then uploaded them to platforms, such as Redbubble and Society6, to sell them as products, such as prints, posters, and stickers. I also uploaded them to platforms, such as SuperRare and Foundation, to sell them as NFTs. I was surprised and happy to see that some of my AI art sold for a decent amount of money, and that some of my customers and collectors gave me positive feedback and compliments.

However, I also faced some challenges and difficulties along the way. I had to deal with some legal and ethical issues, such as making sure that I had the rights and permissions to use and sell the AI art, and that I gave credit and attribution to the sources and tools that I used. I also had to deal with some technical and practical issues, such as learning how to use the AI tools and platforms, and how to optimize and market my AI art. I also had to deal with some personal and emotional issues, such as coping with the competition and criticism from other AI artists and the AI and art communities, and finding my own voice and style as an AI artist.

One of the things that helped me a lot in my journey was reading and learning from other AI artists and experts. I found a lot of useful and inspiring information and advice on websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, and books about AI and art. One of the websites that I particularly liked was SocialMarketing90, which is a website that reviews and compares different AI tools and platforms, and gives tips and tricks on how to create and sell AI art. I learned a lot from their review on how to sell AI art legally, and I applied some of their suggestions to my own AI art.

I also enjoyed and benefited from interacting and collaborating with other AI artists and enthusiasts. I joined some online communities and groups, such as AI Artists, Creative AI, or r/artificial, where I could share and discuss my AI art, and get feedback and support from others. Likewise, I also participated in some online and offline events and projects, such as AI Artathon, AI Art Gallery, or AI Music Festival, where I could showcase and sell my AI art, and meet and network with other AI artists and professionals. Not only that, but I think selling AI art is a rewarding and enjoyable experience, but also a challenging and responsible one.


I hope that this blog post has given you some insights and guidance on how to sell AI art legally and make money online. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below or contact me via email or social media. Thank you for reading and happy AI art making!

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